For more information, contact [email protected].


Our President and CEO, April Lott, along with other key DFL leadership members, have been providing a variety of interactive, highly rated trainings across the country for over twenty years. We are proud to be at the forefront of applying breakthrough science related to trauma in our daily operations, and excited to share our expertise with fellow industry professionals, civil servants, students, and the community as a whole. If you would like more information about bringing one of the trainings listed here – or a custom training built to fit your needs – to your group or event, please complete the form below and we will be in touch promptly. Please note: Fees may apply based on location and type of training. Discounted non-profit rates are available. Please inquire by emailing [email protected] for an exact quote.

Compassion fatigue is a common problem facing workers in the helping professions. Even when well-equipped and unstressed, working with children and families who have experienced severe trauma can take its toll. It is critical that administrators and clinicians understand the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and stay prepared to manage workload and the environment accordingly to help staff stay effective, happy, and healthy in their positions for the long term. This workshop will help identify the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and offer common sense solutions that can be applied to any workplace to combat compassion fatigue.

During the seminar, President & CEO April Lott will speak candidly about trauma and the dependency system, offering insight into our community’s gaps in awareness, including take-home information on:

  • Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome
  • Recognizing signs of trauma as a Child Safety professional
  • Looking through a trauma lens at our community: children, parents, professionals
  • Prevention and safety planning with parents/caregivers

In this important workshop for all child welfare professionals, the audience will gain a deeper understanding of Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome. This workshop will positively shape their reactions to, and develop their ability to better support and advocate for, children who disclose sexual abuse. Statistically, child victims of sexual abuse routinely face secondary trauma (including disbelief, blame, and rejection) from adults in the course of disclosing their experience. Such abandonment by the very adults most crucial to a child’s protection drives them deeper into self-blame and alienation. In an attempt to prevent such re-victimization within our own system of care, this workshop will introduce evidence that shows children exposed to sexual assault often react very differently than expected, will educate by breaking down the syndrome into its five categories, and will improve understanding of the child’s position in the complex dynamics of sexual victimization.

The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model is designed to improve the outcomes of interactions between law enforcement officers and individuals living with mental illness. When individuals living with mental illness are experiencing a mental health crisis or are acting out as a result of a mental illness, CIT works by diverting them to appropriate mental health services and supports rather than to the criminal justice system.

CIT provides 40 hours of specialized training to law enforcement officers on preventing mental health crises and deescalating crises when they occur, while reducing the need for use of physical force.

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training to teach participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps trainees identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

The completion of the 8-hour course earns participants Mental Health First Aider Certification through the National Council for Behavioral Health, which is valid for three years. Certification is ideal for educators, community volunteers, social service providers, business leaders, training departments, supervisors and organizations dealing directly with the public. Anyone is able and encouraged to take this free course.

In this powerful panel discussion, real life Directions for Living clients that have experienced many challenges from mental and physical disabilities to navigating the child welfare system, and who have overcome adversity and have an inspiring message to share, speak candidly about their experiences and the unique ways in which they have overcome stigma and discrimination along their path to self-acceptance. You can learn more about our No Shame Campaign here.

Need an expert to come speak to your group or event about trauma, the child welfare system, mental health, bullying, substance abuse, coping mechanisms or something similar? We would love help! Let us know what you are looking for via the form below and we can work together to develop a customized training tailored to your needs.

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